Body Electronics

Title Body Electronics
Date Every Thursday – Weekly
Time 7 pm PST
Fee $5 in person

Led by: Thomas Chavez and Jim Wallace

This is an intensely holistic group practice described in the book Body Electronics by Thomas C. Chavez, to experience self-regeneration and healing at a cellular level, where memory is stored and fetched. It’s through this stored data recall that we relive and are reminded by past experiences. This is your chance to change your experience, regardless of the stories.

Receive mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, relational and social healing through this hands-on, group experience.

NEW: 2023 Body Electronics 5-Day Intensive Event – August 16-24, 2023 Learn More

“Its effectiveness as a way to maintain and/or restore health has at times been called miraculous. But, this practice is far more than a way to heal, it is a way to touch our own deepest truth with unmistakable clarity and foster spiritual growth with remarkable swiftness. We invite others to learn how this work is done and bring its benefits into their lives.”  – Thomas Chavez

If you don’t know anything about B.E., we encourage you to study Body Electronics – Vital steps for Physical Regeneration, by Thomas C. Chavez. Click here for purchase.

Ready to try or participate in Body Electronics?

Someone will be in contact with you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you. 

BE Participant Request

Our Office

POB 1238
Oregon City, OR 97045

Leave us a message: (503) 650-4447

What is Body Electronics, and how does it work?

B.E. is a collective group practice to support an individual who holds the intention to heal something that is unhealed within their experience. As B.E. practitioners, we both receive point-holding, and hold others’ points in a state of unconditional love.

This is about opening within yourself, to your souls highest good; discovering the space within your heart to lovingly accept all that is, what may emerge, and learning how loving it can result in transformation. No longer do you have to experience the pain of the past, over and over again. Body Electronics is one mechanism to experience real change.

Those who experience unpleasant, repeat patterns learn how they can dissolve old crystalized memory through this mineral-based, hands on, healing process, over time.

The Body Electronics Practice requires a deep level of self-honesty, understanding the CtH B.E. practitioners are here to help you search within, and cheer you on to new healing and success. You are in charge of your experience, we can assist you in helping you stay on that path during your BE process.

This is a very demanding self-healing practice which offers B.E. table work in part, also known as “point holding”, and the opportunity to ‘hold’ others’ points. These points are detailed in Thomas’s Book, and, we welcomes conversation on this subject too. And, when it’s your turn to B.E. on the table, you will be guided and coaching which includes nutritional and intentional preparation. While you are preparing your will be supported by prayer.

Everyone who wishes to participate is welcome, and initially will support others by your attendance which earns you a place on the table. Everyone takes responsibility for their own experience too — no one comes just to watch.

This incredible healing practice called Body Electronics has been lived and experienced by some members of Christ the Healer UCC community for over 20 years. When you ask participants what they get from it, one of the most common responses is to overcome various blocks that prevent them from new growth, or heal a deep wound of the past. Others use it to reverse dysfunction and receive emotional healing, new insights, spiritual growth, and miraculous physical changes. Members will gladly tell you about their experiences.

Those who are committed to the B.E. Practice find ongoing understanding for their own miraculous healing, and enhance our experience in group coherence, love and grace. 

If you join us for the first time, but you are out of our area, you may wish to participate in our multi-day B.E. Intensive, where you receive B.E. Training with Educational Event

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