Inspiration Blog
Growing into God
Author: Thomas Chavez, preface and editing by Julie Gorham Growing into God - Practicing the Science of Spirituality Do you truly experience and feel unity with God and others in your life? Or, do you feel disconnected and your heart knows there must be more? Christ...
New Beginnings – Chapter 2. Another Gale of Laughter
Chapter 2. Another Gale of Laughter Beeko’s body would be whole again, and reasonably healthy in this dream realm, except for the fact that he is not himself. This oddity does not bother him. Instead he seems to identify with perfect ease as a slightly older, not so...
God’s Buddy…Satan? Job Gives Us Some Clues
So, if the appearance of a serpent in the Garden of Eden is not the presence of Satan, where does the “Evil one,” first show up, and how does this appearance change or not change our view of Satan? Satan, whose designation means “Stumble,” implying a block of stone...
Climate Café June 22 Update
Climate Café Update June 3rd, 2022 Megan Hanson and Bonnie Fackre “What would the world be like if we truly “loved all of Creation as ourselves”? Chef Lakita Butler asks us to ponder. How does living sustainably look, feel, smell and more to the point, what does it...
New Beginnings Book – Chapter 1. Beeko
Prologue Seventy thousand years ago, homo sapiens oozed out of Africa and out into Western Asia and Europe. Each small band that dribbled out existentially convinced that they were permanently and irreconcilably at war with all other humans, with animal life, and with...
Sin and Satan in Eden
Most of us are sure that the first appearance of Satan in the Bible took place in Genesis, in the story of the temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden. We all know that Satan dressed up as a serpent, tricked Eve into picking an apple and taking a bite. Almost nobody ever argues with this description. Only a careful reading of that text says otherwise.
Sin anyone? What is it, and do we really understand it?
Author: Thomas Chavez When I was a kid of 12 or 13, I was first introduced to the world of Classical Greek Drama. Central to many of those fascinating Tragedies was a concept that I heard explained as a hero’s “Tragic Flaw.” Later on, I heard this idea expressed as...
Hell What, When, Why, How, and Who
This article is based on a fascinating subject. It challenges the common notions of hell and addresses the source of associated with these terms which are the basis for misinterpretation. We will invite a group discussion together once the final article on this...
Look what’s Blooming! The Climate Cafe’
We are excited to share this summary of actions and decisions that Christ the Healer has taken SO FAR, in the design and development of our new outward- facing mission known as the 'Climate Café'. Christ the Healer, UCC is proposing to partner with Hillsdale Community...
No Matter What Porch Concert at Hilldale UCC
By: Julie Gorham When Hillsdale UCC asked me if I would like to perform a porch concert at Hillsdale for a community event in September, I was excited. And, I knew it was a huge effort. With only three months to prepare, It was time to be creative. Could I of us pull...